Thursday, October 8, 2009

Book Review: The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-sufficient Living in the Heart of the City

Book Cover Image From, visit for  preview of the book.
The Urban Homestead is authored by a couple who live in Los Angeles. They provide extremely entertaining instructions and inspirations for urban homesteading projects.  These projects include raising bees and chickens, building your own composter, and making sourdough starter.  The book is crammed with information on a wide range of subjects and will undoubtedly change your viewpoint on more than one.  Some projects may be a little advanced for most of us, such as the Humanure compost toilet (Yuck!). But others are easy and approachable.
I personally enjoyed the sections on preserving food. While my husband thought "Checking Chicken Asses," was entertaining for it's level of grossness.. Yes, the language isn't for everyone (including most of our Grandmothers) but if you were blessed with an ounce of sense of humor you will enjoy this book. I suggest you try to check it out at the library and if you enjoy it buy one to keep on hand for reference.

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